Sikkim Herald Newar Edition Vol. 1 No. 3 dated 2 October 1996 Gandhi Jayanti Special Issue - First-ever use of Nepali and Newar languages together in two-columns to make easy to learn and understand - conceptualized by Rajiva Shanker Shresta, IAS Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Information and Public Relations Department, Government of Sikkim ex-officio Editor-in-Chief .
Support with which Sikkim Newa Guthi was first proposed - the inland letter issued on May 27, 1982
                Search near and far for your dreams for they may drop right in front of you without you fully realizing...
                  then they disappear and are lost forever...recognize and embrace your dream and enjoy living the dream...
                  make your dreams reality.

"एवम्  रीतले समय लम्किंदैगयो सन् १९८२ तिर श्री राजीव श्रेष्ठ र श्री गणेश प्रधानले नेवार गुठीको आवश्यकताबारे जनाउंदै त्यस सम्प्रदायका मानिसहरुसँग सम्पर्क स्थापित गर्दाखेरि मैले पनि तिनीहरुलाई त्यसको आवश्यकतामाथि विशेष रुपले प्रकाश पारी आफ्नो सहमति जनाएँ l तर कुरा त्यसै सेलायो l कतै कुनै चालचुल सुनिएन l"
दयाप्रसाद प्रधान
"पाकिमका टक्सारी चन्द्रवीर प्रधान (मास्के)-को वंशावली" १९९७ पृष्ठ ३५-३६

स्वर्गीय दयाप्रसाद प्रधान (२१ दिसम्बर १९२१ - १८ जनवरी २००७) राजीव श्रेष्ठलाई आफ्नो पुस्तक देखाउनुहुँदै - उनको अर्को कृति "अनुभव" २००५ मा प्रकाशित भएको हो l

अन्यबाहेक श्री हरेराम प्रधान र श्री धनबहादुर श्रेष्ठ पनि यस प्रयासका प्रमुख समर्थक थिए l                       

Sikkim Newa: Guthi with Nepal Bhasha Manka: Khala:
Golden Jubilee of India's Independence
Commemorative Special Issue of their Newsletter Newa:
We cherish the memories!
Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
Tracing back the history of the Newars in Sikkim, Rhenock of the Great Chandra Nursery fame,  where they first arrived here invited amidst wild protest in thick forest-land full of ferocious animals. Had it not been for the courage, foresight and determination of the leadership in Taksari Chandrabir Newar (1837-1900), the place would not have been what it is today. Since this writer himself happen to belong to it having two mothers from the same family, it is but natural for him and to our readers to bear with, if he dwells upon more on the Great Chandra Nursery family, this place and everything he may look into from this angle sharp and try relate things to them most. He is proud to belong to this family, as he owes much to it and feels indebted twice than anyone else to it!

With things now cleared, let us proceed with it further.

                      Success is the good fortune that comes from aspiration, desperation, perspiration and inspiration.